Please fill out the submission at the bottom if you would like to be featured or have a question or topic (doesn't matter how big or small).
The Project:
I'd like to get sailors talking about an issue, topic, or question each month, put together a place that past, present and would-be cruisers could come to that really gives a variety of thoughts and answers to common and not-so-common questions about cruising and the cruising lifestyle or possibly just a hot-topic in the sailing community. This project is totally for fun.Each month I will organize a blog hop to start on the first of each month. Come by SVNorthfork to find out what the topic is and who will be participating for the month. I'd like the hop to include posts by 13 other bloggers (this many change as I see how much interest there is). The reason is that I will post the months info on the 1st and then on the 15th I'll wrap things up and include a linky in which others can link up their own articles. (See below for further information on what a blog hop and linky are).
By expressing interest in writing a post you are not agreeing to do it, no one will have to write each month or about topics they don't know about or want to write about. There is no compensation for this but it will drive some traffic to your blog (hopefully). The posts do not have to be long but should be useful. For example we may just do a hop of great galley gadgets where you only need to pick one you love, say why you love it, and where to get it. Anyone can be considered. There may be topics that are only for those thinking of cruising or those are done.
As of now I am not asking for anything in advance. I'll choose people and trust that they will write something useful. If I find that people are not writing good entires, are not posting when they should, or I have a large selection pool for a topic I will ask for submissions in advance. If I do this, then any submission that is declined can still link up to the linky party but should not post their article until the end of the hop on the 15th.
If you are chosen to post an article you must:
- agree to post on your day by noon PST. This of course may get a little fuzzy as we are all over the world. If you are going to be at sea let me know and I can change the order or better you can write the article and set it to post in the future while you are sailing.
- provide the blog links for the article before and after you. I will give these to you.
- post the Blog Hop button (which I have not made yet as I'm not sure what to call this project but will be similar to the Northfork button in the sidebar) that links back here so that others can find the beginning of the hop, linky, and info on future hops.
Over the next few weeks I'm hoping to get the ball rolling and if possible get June to be our first month.
What is a blog hop?
A blog hop is when a few participating blogs all write about the same topic sharing their own view or experience with the issue. On the first day, the leader of the hop posts the topic and list of blog links for those involved along the information about when they will be posting. The others participants post their articles on their given day and give the blog addresses for the previous and next article.What is a linky party?
A linky party is when a blogger posts on a topic and then allows you to link your own blog post about the same topic. This allows as many or few people who know about a topic to link up for others to read.Many linky parties are only open for a short time and to recently written articles. This is not my plan (it may change but it isn't right now.) The reason being that we may do a location topic (or something like it) and you visited or experienced it and wrote about it two years ago or might be going to it in six months. In fact if you haven't even experienced said topic then I want you to link up after as it may give some up-to-date info.
To clarify Blog Hop articles are newly written (even if you are using info from a previous post.) Linky articles can be from whenever. Here is a tutorial on how to link-up.
The rules:
- Links should pertain to the topic you are linking too. You may go to previous topics and link other articles to those as well.
- Do not post links for stuff you are trying to sell unless it will truly benefit the topic.
- Please also edit your article to inclue the linky button (which I will create) or somewhere on your blog (sidebar) so that others who read your post know where to find more on the topic or can join in.
- Please link directly to the post, NOT your blog.
- Visit others who have linked up and leave them a comment. We all LOVE comments. This is just to let them know that you enjoyed reading what they wrote and give them incentive to continue to link up their posts.
- I have the right to delete any link that doesn't pertain to the rules (I really hope I don't have to do this!)
- Follow me so that you can find out about future topics and remember to come back each month.
PS - I don't have a name for this project yet. Let me know if you have an idea.